FTP Data
ERBE Angular Radiation Distribution Data on FTP

Data Access

Angular Radiation Distribution Model for Earth-Atmosphere System
Shortwave Anisotropic Factor
Standard Deviation of Mean Shortwave Radiances
Correlation of Longwave and Shortwave Radiances
Mean Shortwave Albedo
Day-night Mean Longwave Anisotropic Factor
Standard Deviation of Day-night Longwave Radiances
Daytime Mean Longwave Flux
Day-night Longwave Flux Differences

Readme Contents

Data Set Overview
Original Archive
Future Updates

The Data

The Files
Name and Directory Information
Companion Software

The Science
Theoretical Basis of Data
Processing Sequence and Algorithms
Scientific Potential of Data
Validation of Data

Points of Contact



Data Set Overview

This readme describes a set of broad spectral band shortwave (0.2 to 4 micron) and longwave (5 to 50 micron) angular radiation distribution models. The satellite measurements of Earth-atmosphere radiations are usually confined to certain local times and specific directions of view depending on orbital constraints and instrument scanning capabilities. However, if angular dependence of reflected and emitted radiation for a surface are known, the total outgoing flux at the top of the atmosphere and the radiations in all directions could be inferred from a single observation (Raschke et al., 1973 ).

Development of angular radiance distribution models has been one of the objectives of the Earth Radiation Budget experiment (ERB) on the Nimbus-7 satellite (Jacobwitz et al., 1984). A comprehensive set of angular radiance distribution models presented here (Suttles et al. 1988a, 1988b ) have been derived primarily from radiances measured between 1978 and 1980 by the Nimbus-7 E RB scanner. In data sparse regions the parameters have been estimated including observations from Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) because of its better diurnal sampling capability ( Minnis and Harrison, 1984 ). The data gaps were filled by variety of other technniques including interpolation and extrapolation based on the reciprocity principle, some empirical and radiative transfer models (Suttles et al. 1988a, 1988b).

The parameters of the shortwave angular radiance distribution model consist of both bidirectional and directional parameters. The bidirectional parameters are anisotropic factor, standard deviation of shortwave (SW) radiances, and shortwave-longwave radiance correlation coefficient as a function of 10 solar zenith angle, 7 viewing zenith angle, 8 relative azimuth angle and 12 scene categories. The directional parameters are mean albedo as a function of solar zenith angle and mean albedo normalised to overhead Sun.

The longwave angular radiance model parameters are anisotropic factor and standard deviation of longwave (LW) radiances as a function of 7 viewing zenith angle, 10 colatitude, 4 season and 12 scene categories. The directional parameters are mean daytime longwave flux and (day - night) longwave flux difference derived as a function of 10 colatitudes and 4 seasons. The longwave daytime flux difference is given only for 10 scene types.

The angular bidirecctional and directional radiation distribution model have been used in the analysis of satellite measurements, earth radiation budget studies and in particular by the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) team in the ERBE inversion algorithm (Barkstrom et al., 1989) as a tool for infering hemispheric fluxes from ERBE radiances (Smith et al., 1986; Wielicki and Green, 1989).

The production and distribution of this data set are funded by NASA's Earth Science enterprise. The Data are not copyrighted; however, we request that when you publish data or results using these data please acknowledge as follows:

The authors wish to thank the following investigators:

  • J.T. Suttles, R.N. Green, P. Minnis, G.L. Smith, W.F. Staylor, and B.A. Wielicki
    Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia
  • I.J. Walker and D.F. Young
    Planning Research Corporation, Hampton, Virginia
  • V.R. Taylor and L.L. Stowe
    NOAA National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service, Washington, D.C.
for the production of this data set, and the Distributed Active Archive Center (Code 902) at the Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, 20771, for putting these data in their present format and distributing them. These distribution activities were sponsored by NASA's Earth Science enterprise.
Original Archive
This data sets original archive was at the National Space Sciences Data Center, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland 20771, however it is no longer there.

Future Updates
Revisions of this data are not planned in the near future.

The Data

The angular radiation model consists of eight parameters (listed below), which are surface type based global means and time invariant (measurements are averaged over the period from 1978 to 1980).

Parameters Units Range
SW anisotropic factor unitless 0.410 - 12.764
Standard deviation of SW radiances W/(m2-sr) 0.383 - 116.40
Correlation of LW and SW radiances unitless -0.598 - 0.685
Mean SW albedo unitless 0.076 - 0.679
Day-night mean LW anisotropic factor unitless 0.837 - 1.067
Standard deviation of day-night LW radiances W/(m2-sr) 2.438 - 15.772
Daytime mean LW flux W/m2 123.61 - 350.54
Day-night LW flux differences W/m2 -41.67 - 60.04

The Model
The parameters were calculated as a function of 12 scene types.

Scene type Acronym Cloud coverage (%)
Clear over ocean clo 0 - 5
Clear over land cll 0 - 5
Clear over snow cls 0 - 5
Clear over desert cld 0 - 5
Clear over land-ocean mix clm 0 - 5
Partly cloudy over ocean pco 5 - 50
Partly cloudy over land or desert pcl 5 - 50
Partly cloudy over land-ocean mix pcm 5 - 50
Mostly cloudy over ocean mco 50 - 95
Mostly cloudy over land or desert mcl 50 - 95
Mostly cloudy over land-ocean mix mcm 50 - 95
Overcast ovr 95 - 100
Day-night LW flux difference divides overcast into overcast over ocean (ovo) and overcast over land (ovl).

Shortwave Angular Model Specifics

For each of the twelve scene types , the SW anisotropic factor, SW Standard deviation and correlation of LW and SW were calculated as a function of:

The mean SW albedo were calculated as a function of 10 solar zenith angles, for each of the twelve scene types.

Solar zenith angle, deg. Viewing zenith angle, deg. Relative azimuth angle, deg.
0 - 25.84 0 - 15 0 - 9
25.84 - 36.87 15 - 27 9 - 30
36.87 - 45.57 27 - 39 30 - 60
45.57 - 53.13 39 - 51 60 - 90
53.13 - 60.00 51 - 63 90 - 120
60.00 - 66.42 63 - 75 120 - 150
66.42 - 72.54 75 - 90 150 - 171
72.54 - 78.46
171 - 180
78.46 - 84.26
84.26 - 90.00

The relative azimuth angle is measured from the principle plane on the side away from the Sun. The principle plane is defined as the plane containing the ray from the Sun to the target area and the zenith ray that is normal to the target area. Symmetry about the principal plane is assumed for the azimuth angle. Thus, forward reflecting corresponds to 0 degrees and backward reflecting corresponds to 180 degrees azimuth.

Longwave Angular Model Specifics

For each of the twelve scene types, the LW anisotropic factor and LW Standard deviation were derived as a function of:

  • four seasons
    • winter northern hemisphere (Dec., Jan., Feb.)
    • spring northern hemisphere (Mar., Apr., May.)
    • summer northern hemisphere (Jun., Jul., Aug.)
    • fall northern hemisphere (Sep., Oct., Nov.)
  • 10 colatitude regions
  • 7 viewing zenith angles

The LW radiation flux were calculated as a function of four seasons (listed above) and 10 colatitude regions . As usual the LW fluxes are given for each of the twelve scene types. However there are only ten scene types for the (day - night) flux difference parameter. The combined land/ocean scenes are not present while the overcast scene is divided into overcast over land and overcast over ocean.

Colatitude angle, deg. Viewing zenith angle, deg.
0 - 18 0 - 15
18 - 36 15 - 27
36 - 54 27 - 39
54 - 72 39 - 51
72 - 90 51 - 63
90 - 108 63 - 75
108 - 126 75 - 90
126 - 144
144 - 162
162 - 180

The angular radiation models were derived primarily from Nimbus-7 Earth Radiation Budget (ERB) radiance measurements (Jacobowitz et al. 1984). Cloud data came from the Nimbus-7 Cloud Climatology (Stowe et al., 1988) which was developed from the measurements from two additional Nimbus-7 instruments, the Temperature and Humidity Infrared Radiometer (THIR) and the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS). The radiance and cloud measurements were combined and the anisotropic SW and LW factors derived by the procedure described in Taylor and Stowe (1984 & 1986). Because the Nimbus-7 satellite was in a Sun-synchronous orbit, no data was obtained for a number of the angular bins. Suttles et al. (1988 & 1989) describe how these bins were filled in. In particular a number of the directional albedos were derived from Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) measurements. For the GOES results, the analysis of November 1978 GOES-East data by Minnis and Harrison (1984b, 1984c) was used.

Specifications for the ERB scanner are:

A more detailed description of the ERB instrument exists in Jacobowitz et al. (1984).

The Files


Data Files


Naming Convention

The file naming convention for the angular radiation model dataset is

erbe_ang.pppppp.sss.asc and
erbe_ang = data product designator (angular radiation models)
pppppp = parameter designator
swanis = shortwave anisotropic factor
swstdv = standard deviation of shortwave radiances
swcorr = correlation of LW and SW radiances
swalbd = shortwave albedo
lwanis = longwave anisotropic factor
lwstdv = standard deviation of longwave radiances
lwflux = longwave radiation flux
lwfldn = day-night longwave radiation flux difference
sss = scene type designator
clo = clear over ocean
cll = clear over land
cls = clear over snow
cld = clear over desert
clm = clear over land-ocean mix
pco = partly cloudy over ocean
pcl = partly cloudy over land
pcm = partly cloudy over land-ocean mix
mco = mostly cloudy over ocean
mcl = mostly cloudy over land
mcm = mostly cloudy over land-ocean mix
ovr = overcast
asc = file type designator (ascii)
Plots of the angular radiation models data set have been provided in gif format. The file naming convention for these files are

erbe_ang.pppppp.sss.gif and
erbe_ang = data product designator (as listed above)
pppppp = parameter designator (as listed above)
sss = scene type designator (as listed above), with the addition of land, ocean and snow (snow and desert) designators for the SW albedo gifs
aaaaaa = azimuth designator
0 - 26 = 0 - 25.84 degrees
26 - 37 = 25.84 - 36.87 degrees
37 - 46 = 36.87 - 45.57 degrees
46 - 53 = 45.57 - 53.13 degrees
53 - 60 = 53.13 - 60.00 degrees
60 - 66 = 60.00 - 66.42 degrees
66 - 72 = 66.42 - 72.54 degrees
72 - 78 = 72.54 - 78.46 degrees
78 - 84 = 78.46 - 84.26 degrees
84 - 90 = 84.26 - 90.00 degrees
gif = file type designator (Graphics Interchange Format)

Directory Path to ASCII Files and Image Files


where pppppp are:

swanis = shortwave anisotropic factor directory
swstdv = standard deviation of shortwave radiances directory
swcorr = correlation of LW and SW radiances directory
swalbd = shortwave albedo directory
lwanis = longwave anisotropic factor directory
lwstdv = standard deviation of longwave radiances directory
lwflux = Daytime mean longwave radiation flux directory
Companion Software

Since the data files are in Ascii format, no formal read program is provided.

The Science

Theoretical Basis of Data
Analysis of satellite measurements for determination of the Earth's radiation budget requires information about the angular characteristics of radiation that is reflected (shortwave) and emitted (longwave) from the earth-atmosphere system (Smith et al. 1986). The angular radiation model accomplishes this by defining for an imaginary surface at the top of the atmosphere, the exiting radiance for each direction out to space as a function of the total hemispheric flux leaving the element. In principle, a radiance measurement at a single angle can then be converted into an inferred hemispheric flux (Suttles et al., 1988a, 1988b; Wielicki and Green, 1989).

The bidirectional model parameters are based on the relationship between radiance L and flux M. For shortwave model this relationship is the following:

SW radiation equation

The longwave model relationship is:

SW radiation equation

An anisotropic function R can be calculated for shortwave where

SW radiation equation

The equation for the longwave anisotropic function R is

SW radiation equation

The anisotropic function for both the shortwave and longwave are defined as the ratio of the equivalent lambertian flux to the actual flux. Thus, if the surface is lambertian, that is, independent of viewing angles, then R = 1.

The angular radiance model are derived for 12 scene classifications, taking into consideration variations in the reflectivity of different surfaces. The 12 scene type are based on broad categories of climatologically important surface and cloud features and were originally developed for the ERBE data analysis (Smith et al. 1986).

Processing Sequence and Algorithms
ERB data were binned according to solar zenith angle, view zenith angle, relative azimuth and scene type for the shortwave bidirectional model, and binned according to view zenith, colatitude and scene type for the longwave bidirectional model. When fewer than eight samples were available for a bin, the mean value for the bin was counted as missing. The following interpolation steps were used for bins that were classified as missing.



Shortwave Directional Model
The mean albedo was derived from a combination of ERB and GOES measurements. The directional models are normalized by dividing each bin value of albedo by the value for the first solar-zenith-angle bin. Thus, the model can be defined in terms of the normalized function (a shape function) and the albedo for the first solar bin (a reference value). The GOES yielded the best estimate of the shape function for tropical and subtropical latitudes. The ERB data best described the shape function (except for the lowest solar zenith angles) for middle and high latitudes. A simple average of the GOES and ERB models was used to produce global mean albedos.

Exceptions to this averaging process were:

Scientific Potential of Data
The angular radiation models show the variation of reflective SW and emitted LW radiation, at the top of the atmosphere, due to differences in scene type, viewing zenith angle, solar zenith angle (SW) and colatitude (LW). The results from these models are useful in the study of the anisotropic characteristics of SW and LW radiation and as a source of angular radiance distribution information in the processing of derivative products.

The ERB team used this data set in a combined scene identification and flux estimation algorithm (Wielicki and Green, 1989). The Data set was created in terms of quantized bins, however to produce smoother ERBE products, interpolation curves were fitted through The Data points to produce continuous angular results. In the LW limb darkening tables they also interpolated to obtain continuous latitudinal functions.

Others have also used these models to estimate fluxes from scanner radiance measurements. The original Nimbus-7 ERB scanner flux estimates were made using earlier and cruder algorithms and models. After the construction of the ERB ADMs, the Nimbus-7 ERB scanner fluxes were recomputed using the ERBE algorithm and ADMs (Kyle et al., 1990; Ardanuy et al., 1990). In addition Stowe et al. (1994), Cess et al. (1995), and Hucek and Jacobowitz (1995) used the ADMs in their procedures to estimate broad band fluxes and albedos from narrow spectral band GOES and AVHRR radiance measurements.

There are several points that a user of this data set should keep in mind.

Validation of Data
The angular models have gone through extensive reviews, with the results described in Suttles et al. (1988a, 1988b). We have also produced gif plots of this data which can be used to easily examine the angular model. The gif files are available on this FTP site.


Points of Contact
For information about or assistance in using any DAAC data, please contact

EOS Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC)
Code 902.2
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, Maryland 20771
301-614-5224 (voice)
301-614-5268 (fax)


Ardanuy, P. E., C. R. Kondragunta, and H. L. Kyle, 1990: Low- Frequency modes of the tropical radiation budget, Meteorol. Atmos. Phys. , 44, 167-194.

Barkstrom, B. R., E. Harrison, G. Smith, R. Green, J. Kibler, R. Cess, and the ERBE Science Team, 1989: Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE) archival and April 1985 results, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. , 70, 1254-1262.

Cess, R. C., M. H. Zhang, P. Minnis, L. Corsetti, E.G. Dutton, B. W. Forgan, D. P. Garber, W. L. Gates, J. J. Hack, E. F. Harrison, X. Jing, J. R. Kiehl, C. N. Long, J.-j. Morcrette, G. L. Potter, V. Ramanathan, B. Subasilar, C. H. Whitlock, D. F. Young, and Y. Zhou, 1995: Absorption of solar radiation by clouds: observations versus models, Science, 267, 496-499.

Chandrasekhar, S. 1960. Radiative Transfer. Dover Publ., Inc..

Fye, F. K. 1978. The AFGWC Automated Cloud Analysis Model. AFGWC-TM-78-002, U.S. Air Force, June. (Available from DTIC as AD A057 176.)

Hucek, R., and H. Jacobowitz, 1995: Impact of scene dependence on AVHRR albedo models, J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol. , 12, 697-711.

Jacobowitz, H., H. Soule, L.H. Kyle, House F.B. 1984. The Earth Radiation Budget (ERB) Experiment: An Overview. J. Geophys. Res.., 89(D4):993-1011.

Kyle, H. L., T. R. Hucek, B. Groveman, and R. Frey, 1990: User's Guide: Nimbus-7 Earth Radiation Budget narrow-field-of-view products, NASA Ref. Publ. RP-1246, 76 pp.

Minnis, P. and Harrison, E. F. 1984a. Diurnal Variability of regional Cloud and Clear-Sky Radiative Parameters Derived From GOES Data. Part I: Analysis Method. J. Climate & Appl. Meteorol., 23(7):993-1011.

Minnis, P. and Harrison, E. F. 1984b. Diurnal Variability of regional Cloud and Clear-Sky Radiative Parameters Derived From GOES Data. Part II: November 1978 Cloud Distributions. J. Climate & Appl. Meteorol.., 23(7):1012-1031.

Minnis, P. and Harrison, E. F. 1984c. Diurnal Variability of regional Cloud and Clear-Sky Radiative Parameters Derived From GOES Data. Part III: November 1978 Radiative Parameters. J. Climate & Appl. Meteorol., 23(7):1032-1051.

Morse, Burt J. and Ropelewski, C. F. 1983. Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Northern Hemisphere Snow Cover. NOAA Tech. Rep. NESDIS 6, U.S. Dep. of Commerce, Oct. (Available from NTIS as PB84 118 348.)

Raschke, E., V. Haar, H. Thomas, W. R. Bandeen, M. Pasternak. 1973: The Annual Radiation Balance of the Earth-Atmosphere System During 1969-70 From Nimbus-3 Measurements. J. Atmos. Sci., 30(3): 341-364.

Smith, G. L., R.N. Green, E. Raschke, L.M. Avis, J.T. Suttles, B.A. Wielicki, and R Davis. 1986. Inversion Methods for Satellite Studies of the Earth's Radiative Budget: Development of Algorithms for the ERBE Mission. Review Geophys., 24(2):407-421.

Staylor, F.W. and Suttles J. T. 1986. Reflection and Emission Models for Deserts Derived From Nimbus-7 ERB Scanner Measurements. J. Climate & Appl. Meteorol., 25(2):196-202

Stowe, L.L., C.G. Wellemeyer, T.F. Eck, Y.Y.M. Yeh, and Nimbus-7 Cloud Data Processing Ream. 1988. Nimbus-7 Global Cloud Climatology. Part I: Algorithms and Validation. J. Climate, 1(5):445-470.

Stowe, L., R. Hucek, P. Ardanuy, and R. Joyce, 1994: Evaluating the design of an Earth radiation budget instrument with system simulations. Part II: Minimization of instantaneous sampling errors for CERES-I, J. Atmos. Oceanic Tecnol. , 11, 1169-1183.

Suttles, J.T., R.N. Green, P. Minnis, G.L. Smith, W.F. Staylor, B.A. Wielicki, I.J. Walker, D.F. Young, V.R. Taylor, and L.L. Stowe. 1988a. Angular Radiation Models for Earth-Atmosphere systems. Volume I-Shortwave Radiation. NASA RP-1184, Vol. I.

Suttles, J.T., R.N. Green, G.L. Smith, B.A. Wielicki, I.J. Walker, V.R. Taylor, and L.L. Stowe. 1988b. Angular Radiation Models for Earth- Atmosphere systems. Volume II-Longwave Radiation. NASA RP-1184, Vol. II.

Taylor, R.V. and Stowe, L.L. 1984. Reflectance Characteristics of Uniform Earth and Cloud Surface Derived From Nimbus-7 ERB. J. Geophys. Res., 89(D4):4987-4996.

Taylor, R.V. and Stowe, L.L. 1986. Revised and Emission Models From Nimbus-7 ERB Data. Sixth Conference on Atmospheric Radiation., American Meteorological Soc., pp. J19-J22.

Wielicki, B. A., and R. N. Green, 1989: Cloud identification for ERBE radiative flux retrieval, J. Appl. Meteor. , 28, 1131-1146.

Wiscombe, W.J., R.M. Welch, and W.D. Hall. 1984. The Effects of Very Large Drops on Cloud Absorption: I. Parcel Models. J. Atmos. Sci. 41(8):1336-1355.

NASA GSFC Goddard DAAC cidc site

Last update:Tue Aug 19 13:23:34 EDT 1997
Page Author: James McManus --
Web Curator: Daniel Ziskin --
NASA official: Paul Chan, DAAC Manager --